Only on veterinarian advice

About CBD

Proven effect

CBD's popularity is due to the many recent studies that have already proven the benefits of the ingredient. These are some of the already proven benefits:

  • Anxiety and stress: One of the most famous uses of CBD is as a sedative for anxiety and stress. Preventive administration can help reduce stress and it would also help with anxiety attacks.
  • Pain relieve: CBD is also often taken by pets with pain complaints, for example caused by rheumatism. It would help suppress inflammation and neurotic pain. The relaxing effect also helps against the pain.

Also, the oil would have many advantages. The research into these positive forces has so far been limited and has therefore not yet been proven. Nevertheless, we already give them:

What is CBD?

CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol which is one of the major cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Pet CBD is produced from industrial hemp and extracted using a CO2 extraction process.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors found in the brain of mammals. It is present throughout the CNS and peripheral nervous system. The ECS is composed of neuromodulatory lipids and many endocannabinoid receptors which regulate many mechanisms within the body. The Endocannabinoid system receptors are specifically receptive to cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.

How long does it take for CBD to take effect?

At the right dosage, it typically takes between 20 and 30 minutes for the CBD effects to be noticeable. As CBD has no psychoactive component, there is no ‘high’. They may experience a reduction in pain, reduced tremor, a sense of calm. 

How much CBD should you give them?

The CBD dosage will vary for each pet depending on their needs and the conditions they are trying to alleviate. For some applications only a small CBD dose is required to achieve optimal results; in other cases, a higher dosage will be required.

What are the effects of CBD?

The effects of CBD will vary from animal to animal. It will depend on the amount taken, the method of application and the condition which they are trying to alleviate.

What are the side effects of CBD?

CBD side effects are almost negligible. They are certainly nowhere near the often scary side-effects lists that are seen in many FDA approved pharmaceutical products! CBD produces no psychoactive effect so there is no ‘high’ or particular concern about their ability to function normally.

Does Pure CBD contain THC?

No – Pure CBD is a full-spectrum hemp extract from specially hybridized industrial hemp which contains only trace amounts of THC. These amounts are so small there is no psychoactive effect and they are unlikely to register on a drug test.

What is the shelf life of Pure CBD?

All Pet CBD is shipped fresh, and it has a shelf life of one year when refrigerated. It can be frozen to extend shelf life up to two years or longer.

Full Spectrum Cannabinoids. From seed to sale.